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ImP Conseil


Whether you have a studio, villa or building, we can comply with your expectations, from management to renting your property

Commercial expertise:

A sales agent will come to visit your property, estimate its potential, and advise you.

Technical expertise:

If your property needs renovation or just a refurbishment, we can also advise and assist you in your project through our Construction service department.

Financial expertise :

If you own a building or land and you want to have a clear vision on the potential profitability, gross or net, of the rental of your project, determine the costs, consider its management or pass it to a trustee, we can assist you. See the rubric management-trustee

Type of property
Price á

Equiped Kitchem Television
Salon Satellite
Terrasa Phone
Garden Internet
Swimming Pool Air conditionner
Jacuzzi Inversor
Maidroom Surpressor
Lavotory Fire Security